First, the Security Guard that turns off the lights in the museum at the beginning.

Next come the Egyptians that Sesh lives with in the hieroglyphic wall painting. I tried to make them as flat and hieroglyphic-y as possible. I hope I can move them!
Then Benu, who is the brawny, brainless man who tries to woo Sesh with his bulging muscles.
Wherever Benu goes, these ditzy admirers follow.
Then Benu, who is the brawny, brainless man who tries to woo Sesh with his bulging muscles.
Wherever Benu goes, these ditzy admirers follow.
When Sesh enters the lush oil painted landscape, she is unexpectedly attacked by a pack of hunting dogs. I wanted them to be greyhound-esque.
And finally, Sesh makes her way to the charcoal sketch of graceful dancers. I tried some more jazzy dancers for this go round, but I'm also considering some elegant ballerinas instead. I added the dramatic lighting just for the sketches, cause I'm not quite sure if I can/want to achieve this effect for the final film.
Well, now I think we're all caught up. What do you guys think of the designs? Next I'll try to post my animation tests for the Hieroglyphic Seq!